Industrial Estate | Eridge Park

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The Neville Estate Company responsible for the overall management of the family owned 3,000 acre Eridge Park Estate had a need to improve the Waste Water Treatment facilities at Sham Farm an industrial hub for much of the estates business. A variety of businesses operate from the Sham Farm Industrial Estate complex, along with the waste from a number of farm cottages and the facilities associated with the 100 pitch camp site.

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Dating back to the 1450s the Estate is steeped in history and surrounded by beauty lending it to frequent use over the years as a film location. The total Sham Farm catchment meant a 280 population plant was required furthermore as a consequence of the camp site business a large variation of flows occurred between peak summer and winter loads. John Cornick of Ecoteric Systems worked with The Neville Estate Company and put forward a Bio Bubble treatment plant design option that could operate consistently despite the wide range of flows and loads as well as being as robust as possible to deal with the waste from a number of small businesses who rented the 14 industrial units. A twin Reactor design was chosen each drawing waste from the single Balance Tank in the busy Seasonal months, when quieter, during winter months the two Reactors alternate the duty sharing the lower flows yet both remaining Biologically active; when either Reactor is not duty its operates an alternative Sleep Mode programme with only enough air provided to maintain biological potency. The plant control linked to the Internet via a Broadband connection makes the understanding and management of all elements related to the Bio Bubble very simple for our engineering team responsible for the service and maintenance. Pump performance can be monitored by trending tank levels over time thus given advanced warning of issues like partial blockages etc. This type of reporting relaying management information is a god send when the need to demonstrate to Interested parties that proper records for the operation of the Private treatment works are requested.
